Photobook for my Grandparents [from around the 1960's+].

April 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


About 3 years ago I was talking with my grandma about how she had water damage in her basement and they had to throw out a bunch of stuff and was so glad her albums were not down there.  I sort of paniced at that concept.. that these priceless photos could have been damaged beyond repair and just gone so I asked to see them and offered to scan them.  At the time we lived in the same city and she was reluctant to separate from the album even for a few days.  It was so sweet because it showed how meaningful the photographs are to her <3.  I did end up taking them home and many hours later they were officially scanned :)!  I did it as fast as possible to return them as fast as possible.  I ended up with around 450 files.. (that's 450 scans, folks!).  It was a lot of work but SO worth it!!!!
Vintage black and white film photo of my grandma and her son april 1966 1960's.My grandma and dad :).
Anyway we sadly had to cut up some of the albums because the photos were glued in and they wouldn't scan unless we cut them out.  Once they were cute out and scanned and backed up, she was content that she had a copy and started sending out the pictures to my dad and his brother and some to me and my brother.
Old vintage black and white retro photograph of dad and his son in December 1968 1960'sMy grandpa and uncle :).
I realized that this meant she now only has files of her photos that were clearly important to her.  While it's great having a digital copy of your images, it's even better to have an album in print.
So I told myself I would make a photobook for her out of the files.  It wasn't easy squeezing 400+ photos into a photobook ;) but I did it!  *proud moment*.  I ordered a 12x12 hard cover photobook off Shutterfly for her.  It ended up being 38 pages long and I manged to get them all in.  I am so happy she now gets to have the files and a book!

Boys with dad prom formal suits color photo from 1970's.
To sweeten the deal, Shutterfly has a 40% off photobooks deal going on right now until April 15th and free shipping!  Such a good deal, I'm going to see if I can whip out another photobook from when me and my brother were kids.
I also need to prioritize staying updated on my own albums!  I always feel like it's something that can wait until later.. and then a couple years go by :(.  Know what I mean?  This is one reason it is really great hiring your photographer to make an album for you.  You don't have to do any work, you're not putting it off until later, it gets done, and it shows up ready to go!

1960's wedding photo black and white bride and groom with boquet photography - my grandparentsMy grandparents on their wedding day
Anyway if anyone wants to take a glimpse at some cool photos from the mid 1960's or so, take a peek!  I am in love with the photos, I love them all, and am going to order a copy for myself :).  I should disclaimer that Iv'e never used Shutterfly before.. I usually use pro labs, but for a job like this with so many photos, it is much easier using a "drag and drop" system.  Professional printing labs use templates where you put a "mold" into photoshop, then enter the photos you want into the slots, save the finished collage of photos, and then do that for every page.  It's pretty intense!  So for 400+ photos.. I am perfectly happy to use Shutterfly haha ;).

Click here to view this photo book larger

Shutterfly baby photo books are the perfect way to preserve your baby's precious moments.

dad and sons watching tv in 1971 1970's retro vintage photograph in color
1970's birthday party vintage black and white photograph from film
Brothers January 1970 black and white film photographyMy dad and uncle

vintage Christmas photo from 1967 getting a toy carSuper excited about that car in the closet :) Christmas, 1967.

Vintage retro Christmas photograph from 1960's (1967)Christmas 1967

Family photography from 1968 retro old school photographs black and white with puppy

Retro black and white film photographs

matching pajamas of dad with his sons retro photographyMy grandpa, dad, and uncle

Eating birthday cake 1960's birthday party vintage old black and white retro photographs.
Dad and son photography
Siblings photography
Building a snowman in 1960's winter photographs film black and white photography

grandma vintage color photograph family photographyMy grandma
reading a newspaper vintage photography 1960's black and white
black and white photography from 1960's
Brothers photography
Family photography vintage retro
Family photographs vintage retro 1970



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