George Hurrell Mimic Photographs

February 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Back in the 1930's there was a very accomplished photographer working tirelessly named George Hurrell.  George Hurrell is known for black and white images with very dramatic lighting.  He would use this style with famous Hollywood stars and was very sought-after.  I am currently taking a photography class and our assignment was to pick a photographer and mimic images they have taken/their style.  I chose to mimic George Hurrell and I am so glad I did because I learned so much and it has made me a better photographer with more knowledge!

Mimic George Hurrell's dramatic lighting portraitsGeorge Hurrell'sThis is George Hurrell's image
Replica of photography done by George Hurrell.Portrait inspired by George Hurrell.Replica of George Hurrell's portrait photography.


George Hurrell portrait mimic artist photography assignmentGeorge Hurrell's ImageGeorge Hurrell's image.


George Hurrell portrait mimic artist photography assignmentMy imitationMy version of George Hurrell's image


George Hurrell portrait mimic artist photography assignmentGeorge Hurrell'sGeorge Hurrell's image. George Hurrell portrait mimic artist photography assignmentMy George Hurrell portrait replica.My replica.
George Hurrell portrait mimic artist photography assignmentInspired by George HurrellI originally thought this was by George Hurrell and later realized that someone else made this image, from inspiration from George Hurrell.. so I guess I replicated a replica :).
^I originally replicated this image thinking it was done by George Hurrell but later realized this image was inspired by George Hurrell.. so I guess I replicated a replica :).  Mimic artist portrait inspired by George Hurrell photography assignmentGeorge Hurrell Mimic Artist Portrait AssignmentPortrait inspired by George Hurrell. George Hurrell portrait mimic artist and inspired by photography assignmentGeorge Hurrell Portrait ImagePortrait by George Hurrell Portrait inspired by George HurrellPortrait inspired by George Hurrell.Portrait inspired by George Hurrell.

Dramatic off camera flash lighting portrait black and white inspired by George HurrellDramatic off camera flash lighting portrait black and white inspired by George HurrellLighting inspired by George Hurrell
Photograph inspired by George Hurrell for a mimic artist photography assignment.Inspired by George HurrellDramatic lighting inspired by George Hurrell.
To see more works by George Hurrell click here.


Duluth MN Photographer


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