Duluth Deer

April 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Every evening, about an hour before the sun goes down, you might see 4 kids all lined up behind a large living room window, with big smiles on their faces.  You'll see them pointing and talking and wonder what they are pointing to and talking about.
Two deer in Duluth during winter in MN.
To answer question 1 - they are pointing to deer!  Every evening around the same time through the entire winter, we've had 2 deer (mama deer and not-baby-but-not-adult deer) roam through our yard.  It's the same routine every evening.  They show up - the kids notice and line up at the window-  the deer lurk outside for about 2 minutes, eating snow and bark off the trees and sniffing out the garbage a little (though very rarely touching it which has taken me for surprise).  They are very "paranoid" looking - we live near a fairly busy street so they appear pretty sketched out and never stay long.  Once they've done a once-over of the area, they simultaneously sprint off towards the back of our house (staying outside the fenced-in area).

Duluth Minnesota deer - two together during winter time.

To answer question 2 - they are naming the deer!  Every day, these deer get new names.  The names are  always pretty random like "pancakes", "candy", "pokemon", "couch".  It's very cute how excited they get about deer in our yard :).  You know it's exciting if they are willing to pause a tv show or video game to check it out (and they always are!).

Two deer standing in front yard together in Duluth MN during winter in the snow

The kids tell me that it's not always the same 2 deer.. I haven't noticed any differences between them but kids have a way of noticing details that we adults have a way of missing so I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Hermantown Minnesota deer in forest and trees looking at camera photograph
So anyway as I mentioned earlier once they graze everything over for a couple minutes they dart off towards the back of the house.  So the other night I was in a back room and looked out the window (facing towards the back yard) and I saw EIGHT deer back there (outside our fence)!  It was totally incredible to see such a large group as that in my back yard!  It was not possible to get a photo of them all together back there :( but I did try.  (those are still on the camera but they were too far away to get them all in one photo anyway).
Minnesota deer standing behind trees
So anyway, as mentioned, the deer have been coming pretty regularly.  I've only lived in Duluth Minnesota for 1 1/2 years but I am so used to seeing deer everywhere that I didn't even realize what a unique photo opportunity that is.  Most people, if they want deer photography, would have to go out into the wilderness and wait.  Here, I was being hand delivered deer to my front yard on a predictable schedule.  Once this epiphany hit me, I started grabbing my camera and stepping out on the porch to grab a few shots and thought I'd share here with everyone some awesome Duluth Deer Photography photos.
One Minnesota deer with snow on its nose standing behind trees

They managed to wrangle an apple out of the garbage can.

Duluth Minnesota deer eating an apple on the snow in winter

Duluth Minnesota deer sniffs apple black and white image deer head and neck photography

Deer in Minnesota eating an apple during winter in the snow photographs

Full body photo of deer eating an apple during winter in the snow photos
deer eating apple with deer friend running around behind it minnesota photography hermantown proctor christine ann fisher
Duluth deer eating snow in Minnesota looking at camera
Duluth deer while eating with tongue sticking out looking at camera with snow on its nose
Two deer mom mama and baby teen deer roaming in Minnesota front yards residential areas in the snow during winter time

I love that I got such a cool opportunity as this to take some very unique photos that most people would have to really work for.  It's hard to do much photography during winter due to the bitter freezing cold temperatures so this was a very fun little side project :).

-Christine Ann

P.S.  HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!  I pulled a few little tricks but nothing too exciting.. and I got some little tricks played on me, though I was pretty sure there were no vampires behind me :p.. so those were easy ones to weed out.


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