So thankful for the long fall season so that we could pull off this December gender reveal! Hartley Nature Center was not filled with snow, nor was it unbearably cold!
Despite having permission to post these, I felt uncomfortable posting them too soon because I didn't want to be the one to potentially accidentally reveal the gender of their baby: a girl! Beautifully announced with a box filled with balloons - which became stuck in the trees and made for a pretty cool sight! At their ultrasound they had a family member find out the gender of the baby and fill the box with balloons, so when they opened the box it was the first time they found out. We also busted out some confetti and had fun with that (and were sure to clean up after as well!), and I got to use my crystal ball for the first time during a shoot!
Not only did I get to meet an incredibly sweet couple and have a fun experience discovering the gender of their baby with them, but a family member came along with a sweet little puppy too, I got some puppy time!
What's really fun about this is I was pregnant right along with them but unfortunately that meant that I couldn't do the next round of photos for them, hopefully we can work together again later on!
(Please forgive my technically incorrect use of the word gender, I'm speaking colloquially!).
I hope you enjoy watching this awesome moment unfold as much as I did!
The puppy helping to announce gender!